Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So, OK, all right, this is a Limbo. I can accept that. Floor -1. Not that bad yet. I can deal with that. This people walking slowly next to my bed, their stiff bodies, their grey faces, they all look so used! and dusty! Like if they just left their graves! Condemmned souls!
Maybe even worse - alive corpses! Still with one leg in so-called second world.
They were sometimes talking, but I couldn't understand them, they talked in some ancient dialect. Maybe they were born 100 years ago?
Only one of them decided to speak to me.
He was young, had dark, curly hair and he actually talked in the modern dialect so i didn't have any problem with understanding him. His eyes were scared. He was holding nervously his silver mug and was talking about Satan. He made few strange gestures as if he wanted to scare the Satan away, then he left. But he smiled to me. I don't think he was afraid of me.
This made me sure that I am indeed in hell and that Satan has something to do with all this. And I came here to save them. And I will! As soon as they untie me from this metal bed. But I am not in a hurry. Actually I enjoy this, it's all so new and unusual...Hell yes!

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